Vacation Rental Posting


When listing your property as a vacation property the following information is required.

Step 1.Rental Agent Information

Provide the rental agent contact information.

  • Jane Doe
    123 Anywhere Drive

Step 2.Property Capacity

List the maximum capacity per bedroom.

  • Maximum Capacity: 2 Bedroom - 6 per unit
  • Maximum Capacity: 3 Bedroom - 8 per unit

Step 3.Property Maps

Make sure to provide sample maps of:

Step 4.Noise Disturbance Ordinance

Step 5.Local Emergency Information

  • Example: Nearest Hospital: 1.5 Miles - 3000 Coral Hills Drive, Coral Springs, Florida 33065
  • Police Non-Emergency Number: 954-344-1800

Step 6.Provide Garbage and Recycling Service Information

  • Provide the garbage and recycling service schedule. View maps and guidelines
  • Trash Pickup / Recycle Pickup
    Example: Tuesdays - Trash & Recycle need to be out before 7 a.m.