Residential Tree Removal

The City of Coral Springs values the trees within our city. The city has rules and requirements related to tree removal and a permitting process to assist single family or duplex property owners at no cost.

Multi-family and commercial properties are required to get a commercial tree removal permit through the Coral Springs Building Division prior to removing, relocating or encroaching on trees.


Step 1.Create an Online Account

To submit a permit, you must first create an account on the eTrakit system. If you already have an account, skip to step 2.

Need help creating an account? View instructions

Get Started

Step 2.Review Checklists

Check with your Homeowner Association

  • Approval by your HOA is required and must be included when submitting your tree removal permit.

Hire a licensed Broward County Tree Trimmer

  • For your own protection be sure to ask the tree company you hire to show you their Broward County Tree Trimmers License. This license is required and anyone pruning or removing trees without this license is doing so illegally.

Tree Replacement

  • Removed trees should be replaced with like trees within 6 months of permit approval. Shade trees should be replaced with shade trees, palm trees with palm trees and small trees with small trees - or three separate palms can equal one hardwood.
    Learn more

Step 3.Provide a Survey or Sketch

Use existing property survey to:

  • Show location, species and diameter of tree(s) to be removed.
  • Show the proposed location, species and size of the replacement tree(s).
  • Properly label files with your name and street address.

If no property survey is available, a hand drawn sketch showing property boundaries, adjacent roads and location of the house driveway may suffice. A survey location must be included with the application.

Step 4.Complete Permit Application

Submit Application

In Person

Step 1.Review Checklists

Check with your Homeowner Association

  • Approval by your HOA is required and must be included when submitting your tree removal permit.

Hire a licensed Broward County Tree Trimmer

  • For your own protection be sure to ask the tree company you hire to show you their Broward County Tree Trimmers License. This license is required and anyone pruning or removing trees without this license is doing so illegally.

Tree Replacement

  • Removed trees should be replaced with like trees within 6 months of permit approval. Shade trees should be replaced with shade trees, palms trees with palm trees and small trees with small trees or three separate palms can equal one hardwood.
    Learn more

Step 2.Provide a Survey or Sketch

Use existing property survey to:

  • Show location, species and diameter of tree(s) to be removed.
  • Show the proposed location, species and size of the replacement tree(s).
  • Properly label files with your name and street address.

If no property survey is available, a hand drawn sketch showing property boundaries, adjacent roads and location of the house driveway may suffice. A survey location must be included with the application.

Step 3.Complete the application for Tree Removal

Complete and print the form Residential Tree Removal Permit Application(PDF, 195KB) and drop it off at City Hall.