Commercial Property Enhancement Grant

The Commercial Property Enhancement Grant is designed to encourage existing building owners or tenants within the Community Redevelopment Area to improve the aesthetics of commercial buildings and to enhance safety in the rear of the buildings in accordance with the CRA’s Redevelopment Master Plan. The program provides financial assistance in the form of a grant for 50% of the documented hard costs of the improvements. Grant amounts are determined by the CRA Board.





  • The Commercial Property Enhancement Grant is available to eligible commercial properties within the Community Redevelopment Area in the form of a reimbursable grant after project completion in an amount equal to 50% of eligible project costs. Total grant amount is up to the discretion of the CRA Board.

  • No work covered by the Commercial Property Enhancement Grant is to be undertaken without written approval of funding from the CSCRA.

  • The program will not provide reimbursement for any work previously done or already underway prior to the CSCRA Board’s approval of the Commercial Property Enhancement Grant. The CRA has the authority to make exceptions to this rule.

  • All property taxes and City utilities must be current in order to apply and remain current.

  • The property shall not have any open Code violations.

  • The CSCRA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to make any final determinations as to how the program will be offered and implemented. This may include, but not limited to ranking of applicants, which applicants will be CSCRA Commercial Property Enhancement Grant funded, all conditions of funding, approval of plans, designs and materials to be utilize. Applicants, even those that meet the eligibility requirements, may not be approved if a project conflicts with the objectives and goals of the CRA Master Plan.

  • View Eligible Improvements



  1. Must be within boundaries -Commercial property must be located within the boundaries of the Coral Springs Community Redevelopment area. Residential zoned properties are not eligible.
  2. Eligible participants may be individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships or any other legally identified form of a for profit business.
  3. The building must be structurally sound, and the property must be zoned commercial and used for commercial purposes.
  4. Owner Participation - Must have property owner participation and approval
  5. Property must not have outstanding judgment liens, code violations, delinquent taxes, utilities, and/or be exempt from ad valorem property taxes.
  6. Must be able to provide 100% of project costs upfront. Reimbursement will be provided for 50% of documented eligible project costs. Grant amounts are determined by the CRA Board.
  7. Approved by CRA - Project must have been approved by the CRA Board and Notice to Proceed issued by the CRA prior to project commencement. The CRA Board has the authority to make exceptions to this rule.
  8. Project must have proper City approvals- The applicant must comply with all requirements of the City of Coral Springs for obtaining permits and approvals of the work. Any work started or performed without proper permits will not be eligible for program assistance.
  9. In Compliance with CRA -The proposed project must comply with the CRA’s Implementation Plan, applicable regulations and City’s Code requirements, and the City’s Design Guidelines.