Citizens Police Academy


The Citizens’ Police Academy is a behind-the-scenes look at police work, open to any Coral Springs resident or business owner over the age of 18. In the Citizens’ Police Academy, you'll get a first-hand look at the daily operations of Law Enforcement and the various units that make it all possible. From the Strategic Enforcement Team to the K9 Unit, the CSI team to the Training Unit, and more, you'll gain a unique insight into the inner workings of the Police Department. Upon graduation, you'll have the opportunity to become a part of the Community Assisted Patrol, making an impact in your community and contributing to public safety. 

You must have a valid driver’s license or state of Florida ID.

Dates for 2025:

  • Thursday, April 3, 10, 17, 24 - 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 - 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 5, 12, 26 - 6 p.m. 

This year's Citizens Police Academy application process is closed.

Class Guidelines

  • The Citizens Police Academy is designed to educate the community about the daily operations and the multi-faceted roles of the Coral Springs Police Department.
  • smoking or use of other tobacco products is prohibited in city-owned public buildings or vehicles.
  • Alcohol is prohibited in class, any city-owned building or vehicle or prior to attending class.
  • Proper attire must be worn to class sessions.  Cut-off shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, and similar attire are not permitted. T-shirts with objectionable slogans are prohibited.
  • Students should make every effort to be on time for class.  Habitual tardiness is unacceptable because it interrupts the learning environment for the other students.
  • Every student is required to attend all sessions of the Citizens Police Academy.  The class coordinator has the discretion to approve absences when good cause is shown.  More than two absences may result in dismissal from class.
  • All students are expected to behave in a professional manner.  No offensive language.  Negative or disruptive behavior that impedes the learning environment for others, will be reported to the class coordinator and corrective action may be taken.  Cellular phones will not be permitted in the classroom during class sessions; we ask that cell phones be turned to a silent mode.
  • No unauthorized weapons will be permitted.
  • You must always wear your nametag while participating in any portion of the class.  No unauthorized wandering within the building.