Stormwater Master Plan

Sormwater Plan Logo-Circle-04.png

The Stormwater Master Plan will evaluate the existing stormwater infrastructure and identify potential improvements to reduce flooding and protect property.

The Plan will serve as a roadmap for resilience in the face of stronger storms, more frequent rain events, rising groundwater, and potential future development.


Step 1.What is a Stormwater System?

A stormwater system is designed to convey, store, and move rainwater away from roadways, buildings, and public areas to prevent flooding in the event of rainstorms. It includes a series of storm drain inlets along sidewalks and roadways interconnected with underground pipes leading the runoff to drain into canals or a receiving water body such as lakes or ponds. Green infrastructure such as swales and retention ponds are also a part of the overall stormwater system.

  • Storm Drain
  • Swale
  • Retention Pond
  • Underground Pipe

Step 2.Current Challenges in Our City

  • Frequent flooding during strong rain
  • Rising groundwater associated with sea level rise
  • Aging infrastructure
  • Ensure debris, trash, and other pollutants do not enter storm drains

Step 3.What are the Drainage Districts Responsible For?

Coral Springs has six drainage districts responsible for moving water across the city through canals in conjunction with the South Florida Water Management District. This creates a three-tiered system for the City of Coral Springs.

The city's street infrastructure outfalls to the drainage district canals, leading to the South Florida Water Management District canals. This means that most of the canals within the city are not managed by the city. However, the city, drainage districts, and South Florida Water Management District work together to move rainwater from our community out to sea.

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Step 4.What will the plan accomplish?

  • Increase the community’s ability to prepare for and withstand current and future flooding events.
  • Evaluate and identify flooding solutions in a cost-effective manner, including nature-based solutions and additional infrastructure.
  • Determine the best course of action for long-term financing and sustained operability of the stormwater system to provide adequate flood protection
  • Improve the ranking of the City in the Community Rating System (CRS), reducing flood insurance costs across the city.