History of our Fire Department

Historical group photo of firefighters next to fire truck

When the Coral Springs community started to take shape in the late 1960s, the once-small community relied on fire services from the nearby city of Margate to handle safety issues. But by 1970, the community had grown to 18,000 people and city leadership recognized the need for a dedicated Fire Department. That year, the Coral Springs Fire Department was formed as a volunteer organization.

Throughout the 1980s, as Coral Springs grew from a population of 37,000 residents to more than 78,000, emergency services would need to grow to meet the demand. By1985, three new fire stations were constructed throughout the city to handle the need for fire protection and service. During this time, the department’s personnel also expanded to include hundreds of active firefighters.

Historical photos of firefighters exercise In the late 1990s, when the city’s population began to approach 100,000, the department made an effort to provide better service by shifting from a volunteer-only format to a professional, paid employee. Fifteen professional firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics were hired by the city in 1995 to establish the city’s first formal fire department. This crew, also known as the “First 15,” worked alongside the volunteers to provide services to the city.

Today, the City of Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department entirely consists of paid employees and serves both the City of Coral Springs and the nearby Parkland community, providing vital services that offer protection of life and property. The department comprises eight stations, five in Coral Springs and three in Parkland. The Department is regarded as one of the best in the region and is highly sought after for its programs and advancements, especially it’s safety, health, and wellness programs for employees.

For more information on the Coral Springs Fire Department, visit CoralSprings.gov/Fire

Fire Chiefs Through the History

Volunteer Chief Bob Fuller

1971 - 1973
Chief Raoul Gosselin

1973 - 1976
Chief Dick Abrams

1976 - 1977
Chief Don Eveker

1977 - 1981
Chief Russ Donovan

1981 - 1984
Chief Joe Santangelo

1984 - 1985
Chief John J. Dowling III

1985 - 1989
Chief Lou Perrotta

1989 - 1993
Fire Administrator William Fyfe

1993 - 2000
Chief William Fyfe

2000 - 2007
Chief Donald Haupt Jr.

2007 - 2014
Chief Mark Curan

2014 - 2019
Chief Frank Babinec

2019 - 2020
Chief John Whalen

2020 – Present
Chief Michael McNally