Community Redevelopment Agency

The City of Coral Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was established by the City Commission in 2002 to guide the city in its Downtown redevelopment efforts. The purpose of the CRA is to revitalize the physical environment and the economy of the Community Redevelopment Area. The CRA activities and programs are administered by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). The seven-member CRA Board created and appointed by the City Commission directs the agency and is responsible for developing and implementing the CRA Master Plan.

The CRA's fiscal year starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th of every year. The CRA will sunset in 2032.


The CRA is governed by a board composed of seven (7) members appointed by the City Commission.

Name       Membership/Officer           Term Expires
Andrew Kasten, Chair Financial 02/19/2026
Lorna E. Brown-Burton, Vice Chair       General 02/19/2026
Diana Noble General 02/19/2026
Mike Del Pozo Retail 02/19/2024
Mark Mendel Real Estate 02/19/2024
Scott Gilman General 02/19/2026
Germain Bebe Urban Design 02/19/2026

The CRA oversees redevelopment efforts within the general vicinity of the intersection between Sample Road and University Drive. The Community Redevelopment Area, which is also Downtown, covers approximately 136 acres of land. In addition to being a CRA, Downtown also has a Local Activity Center Land Use, a Development of Regional Impact and a Downtown Mixed-Use Zoning District.

CRA Boundary map(PNG, 6MB)

The purpose of the CRA Commercial Property Enhancement Grant is to encourage existing building owners or tenants of the community redevelopment area to improve the aesthetics of commercial buildings and to enhance safety in the rear of the buildings. For approved projects, the program will pay for 50% of the documented hard costs for the improvements and the applicant is responsible for 50% of the hard costs, plus 100% of associated costs such as engineering and permits. The grant amount is determined by the CRA Board.

To qualify for the program, the structure must be located within the CRA area. An application must be submitted accompanied by at least 2 estimates from licensed contractors.

Funding is available until the CRA’s program budget is depleted.

Learn More

The Master Plan includes overall goals for redevelopment, as well as identifies the types of programs and projects planned for the area. The original version of the Coral Springs CRA Master Plan was approved by the City Commission in September 2002, updated in June, and recently updated in 2023 to prepare for sunset. After approval of the original Master Plan, a redevelopment trust fund was established for the CRA. Revenue deposited to this fund results from the incremental growth in taxable value within the area subsequent to establishing the CRA.

For a copy of the master plan, please email

The City of Coral Springs, along with its Community Redevelopment Agency, is working toward revitalizing the heart of Coral Springs and developing a vibrant downtown that residents will enjoy. Browse our site to find out more about developments in our Downtown area.

View Downtown Projects

DT-MU Zoning District

The Coral Springs CRA is primarily funded by Tax Increment Financing (TIF), which is the traditional funding mechanism for CRAs. In accordance with Chapter 163 Part III of the Florida Statutes, TIF payments are equal to 95% of the increase in tax revenue generated by the increase in property values in the redevelopment area and are used within the redevelopment area to finance additional projects. Properties located in the CRA district do not pay any additional property taxes. The greater the increase in taxable property values over the CRA’s base year (2011 for County and 2002 for other taxing authorities), the larger the incremental increase in revenues transferred to the CRA.