Adopted Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan Full Version(PDF, 16MB)

Goals, Objectives & Policies

  2-1. Future Land Use Element(PDF, 300KB)
  3-1. Transportation Element(PDF, 581KB)
  4-1. Public School Facilities Element(PDF, 112KB)
  5-1  Historic Preservation Element(PDF, 47KB)
  6-1. Housing Element(PDF, 35KB)
  7-1. Utilities Element
         a. Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element(PDF, 23KB)
         b. Solid Waste Sub-Element(PDF, 48KB)
         c. Drainage Sub-Element(PDF, 34KB)
         d. Potable Water Sub-Element(PDF, 62KB)
         e. Natural Ground Water/Aquifer Recharge Protection Sub-Element(PDF, 13KB)
  8-1. Conservation Element(PDF, 137KB)
  9-1. Recreation and Open Space Element(PDF, 137KB)
10-1. Intergovernmental Coordination Element(PDF, 99KB)
11-1. Capital Improvements Element(PDF, 109KB)
12-1. Economic Development Element(PDF, 61KB)
13-1. Public Participation(PDF, 112KB)
14-1. Climate Change Element(PDF, 63KB)
15-1. Private Property Rights Element(PDF, 105KB)

Combined GOP’s(PDF, 938KB)

Data & Analysis (Adopted Comprehensive Plan Map Series)

2-01. Future Land Use(PDF, 6MB)
2-02. Existing Land Use Plan With Vacant Land and Floor Plains(PDF, 509KB)
2-03. Historical Resources(PDF, 331KB)
2-04. Soil(PDF, 642KB)
2-06. Flood Plains(PDF, 1MB)
3-01. Existing Roadway Systems(PDF, 655KB)
3-02. Existing Public Transit System(PDF, 413KB)
3-03. Existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Way(PDF, 724KB)
3-04. Existing Ports, Airport Facilities, Railways and Intermodal Facilities(PDF, 291KB)
3-05. Existing Functional Classification of Roadways(PDF, 576KB)
3-06. Existing Number of Through Lanes(PDF, 562KB)
3-07. Existing Major Transit Trip Generation Attractions(PDF, 549KB)
3.08. Existing Evacuation Routes(PDF, 545KB)
3-09. Existing Peak Hour Level of Service(PDF, 645KB)
3-10. Future Roadway System(PDF, 557KB)
3-11. Future Public Transit System(PDF, 433KB)
3-12. Future Bicycle and Pedestrian Way(PDF, 614KB)
3-13. Future Ports, Airline Facilities, Railways and Intermodal Facilities(PDF, 529KB)
3-15. Future Number of Through Lanes(PDF, 686KB)
3-16. Future Major Transit Trip Generation Attractions(PDF, 601KB)
3-17. Future Peak Hour Level of Service(PDF, 762KB)
3-18. Future Evacuation Routes(PDF, 368KB)
3-19. Transit Concurrency Districts(PDF, 756KB)
8-01. Natural Resources(PDF, 416KB)
9-01. Recreation and Open Space(PDF, 670KB)

Combined Adopted Maps(PDF, 15MB)